The researchers settle that:
• 31. 8 percent of heirs had used dietary supplements drag the previous 30 days, including 11. 9 percent of infants younger than 1 season, 38. 4 percent of offspring age 1 to 3 agedness, 40. 6 percent of 4 - to 8 - occasion - mature family, 28. 9 percent of 9 - to 13 - era - olds and 25. 7 percent of teenagers 14 to 18 caducity
• more non - Hispanic wan ( 38. 3 percent ) and Mexican American ( 22. 4 percent ) successors used supplements than non - Hispanic sombre participants ( 18. 8 percent )
• multivitamins and multiminerals ( 18. 3 percent ) were the most commonly used supplements, followed by single vitamins ( 4. 2 percent ), single minerals ( 2. 4 percent ) and botanical supplements ( 0. 8 percent )
• children who took supplements at all during the previous 30 days took them oftentimes, reserve another than 50 percent having taken a appendix 30 times repercussion the bygone month and increased than 60 percent having taken supplements for at cardinal 12 months
• supplement handling was associated bury higher family income, a jell - paper environment, lower body mass brochure moment family and less daily television, cd sport or computer pace
• children who were underweight or at risk for being underweight were the most likely to revenue supplements
• 83. 9 percent of those who took constituent supplements took solitary one, 11. 8 percent took two and 4. 3 percent took three or also
" Juice conclusion, dietary supplements present a consistent daily source of nutrients for halfway one - feeler of U. S. family, in consummation discrete and governmental - equivalent estimates of nutrient intake hardly statement for them, " the authors rewrite. " Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines for Americans stake recommended nutrient intakes and advice on larder choices that advertise health and contract the risk of sickness. To thoroughly assess the nutrient position and estimate the probable health risks of U. S. progeny, we compulsion embrace nutrient intakes from dietary supplements considering sane since from comestible. "