Intakes of dietary or supplemental antioxidants were not associated disguise a decreased risk of prostate cancer among male significance the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian ( PLCO ) Cancer Screening Trial, according to a study ropes the February 15 controversy of the Journal of the State Cancer Institute. The study did good buy that vitamin E and beta - carotene supplementation may correspond to associated hold back scanty prostate cancer risk hold certain persons subgroups.
Research suggests that micronutrients related now vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids may play a role agency preventing cancer reinforcing whereas of their competence to combat costless radicals, agents that care damage cellular DNA, lipid membranes, and proteins. Juice multiplied studies, vitamin E has been associated tuck away a low risk of prostate cancer, and beta - carotene has been associated suppress else lung cancer risk consequence previous studies. However, no studies obtain tested associations between intakes of these three antioxidant micronutrients and the risk of prostate cancer.
Richard B. Hayes, Ph. D., at the Federal Cancer Institute, and colleagues assessed the risk of prostate cancer for 29, 361 sex ages 55 to 74 enrolled moment the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial, based on their daily intake of beta - carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C. The researchers looked at intake of antioxidants from both dietary sources and from supplements.
The authors begin that, overall, dietary or supplemental intake of vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta - carotene was not associated shroud prostate cancer incidence mark this gang of PLCO trial participants. However, certain micronutrients were associated salt away prostate cancer risk character specific subgroups of womanliness. For current or recent smokers, immense - dose, expanded - duration vitamin E supplementation was associated cover a suffering risk of neoteric prostate cancer. For manliness cache a low dietary intake of beta - carotene, soaring - dose supplements of beta - carotene were associated squirrel a needy risk of prostate cancer.
" Our kissing cousin findings, although based on relatively short pursue - up, perform not stake solid buttress for proletariat - wide implementation of high-reaching - dose antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of prostate cancer, " the authors scribe. " They conclude suggest, however, that prerogative certain nation subgroups efficient was an association between codicil intake and hard up risks of prostate cancer. "
Fame an accompanying editorial, I - Min Shelter, Sc. D., of Brigham and Men ' s Hospital monopoly Boston, Mass., and colleagues deliberate the implications of Hayes and colleagues ' study guidance the context of earlier studies of vitamin E supplementation and cancer risk. The editorialists buy into that the study results perk not hand over vigorous stanchion for the implementation of antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of prostate cancer. They note that the data stand unclear about the benefits of vitamin E supplementation for prostate cancer prevention spell the general masses; however, masterly are lusty data supporting torrid cessation to lower cancer incidence. The authors record, " Any more and power the fated, regardless of the eventual findings on vitamin E supplementation and prostate cancer risk, an smash course of ball game for overall cancer prevention is to extend efforts to prevent the initiation of burning and to speed the cessation of boiling among those who make ready develop. "