New government regulations should lead to safer herbal supplements, but they still can present a risk. Here's what you should know before you purchase dietary supplements.
Herbal supplements may become even more popular as new safety regulations are implemented, but are they right for you ? That depends on the herb, your current health and your medical history.
Herbal supplements have active ingredients that can affect how your body functions, just as over-the-counter and prescription drugs do. Herbal supplements may be particularly risky for certain individuals, and herbal supplement labels are often vague, confusing and of little help when it comes to making a selection. If you're considering herbal supplements or other dietary supplements, educate yourself about any products you intend to use before purchasing them and talk to your doctor about any supplements you're considering taking.
Are herbal supplements safe ?
Until recently, government oversight and consumer protection were very limited for dietary supplements. But new regulations contained within the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the federal agency responsible for overseeing the safety of U.S. food and drug products, the authority to oversee the manufacture of domestic- and foreign-made dietary supplements, including herbal supplements.
Dietary supplements don't need to go through the rigorous review process that new drugs must undergo before being "approved" by the FDA. But the new regulations aim to improve safety by requiring supplement manufacturers to follow certain manufacturing practices and to ensure that supplements contain what their labels claim and are free of contaminants. The FDA is responsible for monitoring the safety of supplements after they're on the market and enforcing action against unsafe supplements. These new regulations will be phased in over a three-year period so that by June, 2010, all supplement manufacturers should meet these requirements.
How do you know what's in an herbal supplement ?
You can expect certain information to be included on the labels of all herbal supplements, which should help you understand what's inside the packaging. This information includes :
- The name of the herbal supplement, such as St. John's wort
- The net quantity of contents, for example, 60 capsules
- In certain cases, a disclaimer: "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."
- A Supplement Facts panel, which includes serving size, amount and active ingredient
- Other ingredients, such as herbs and amino acids, for which no daily values have been established
- The name and address of manufacturer, packer or distributor
Manufacturers typically refer to herbal products by their common name and the part of the plant used to make the herbal supplement, such as root, stem or leaf. If you don't understand anything on an herbal supplement's label, ask your doctor or pharmacist for clarification.
How do you choose an herbal supplement?
Although new regulations are being implemented, choosing an herbal supplement of the highest quality remains difficult. To choose the best herbal supplement brands :
- Look for standardized herbal supplements. The U.S. Pharmacopeia's "USP Dietary Supplement Verified" seal on a supplement indicates the supplement has met certain manufacturing standards. These standards include testing the product for uniformity, cleanliness and freedom from environmental contaminants, such as lead, mercury or drugs. Other groups that certify herbal supplements include , Good Housekeeping and NSF International. Although each group takes a slightly different approach, the goal of each is to certify that herbal supplements meet a certain standard. Don't assume that all herbal products on the market are safe. Even the groups that test herbal supplements aren't obligated to report products that fail to live up to their standards.
- Buy only single-herb products. And choose products that clearly show how much of the herb each dose contains. Some products are mixtures of several herbs with unknown proportions of each.
- Beware of claims that sound too good to be true. If a claim sounds outrageous to you, trust your instinct. No one herbal supplement can possibly address a wide spectrum of health concerns.
- Be extremely cautious about herbal supplements manufactured outside the United States. Many European herbs are highly regulated and standardized. But toxic ingredients and prescription drugs have been found in some herbal supplements manufactured in other countries.
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