Arthritis is actually a number of different diseases affecting joints. The most common is osteoarthritis, which affects almost 16 million Americans, most of them over age 45. Osteoarthritis usually strikes weight-bearing joints such as the ankles, knees and hips but can also affect the fingers, wrists, elbows, spine and neck. The pain is caused by the gradual breakdown of cartilage, the dense, spongy material that cushions the joints.
Another common form of the disease is rheumatoid arthritis, which affects about two million Americans. Rheumatoid arthritis may strike in a person's twenties, attacking the lining of the joints and causing pain and severe inflammation.
If you suspect that you have arthritis, see a doctor. But the natural remedies below-in conjunction with medical care and used with your doctor's approval-may also help relieve the pain of arthritis, according to some health professionals.
SEE YOU MEDICAL DOCTOR WHEN Your joints are stiff in the morning but loosen up later in the day. . Your stiffness lasts for more than six weeks. . You have severe joint pain that doesn't respond to heat, ice packs or aspirin. . Your joint is hot, red, swollen and very painful. . You experience stiffness after an injury to the joint. . Your joints remain swollen even after you take aspirin or ibuprofen. .You have chills or fever as well as swollen joints. .You have already been diagnosed with arthritis but notice a new or different type of swelling in your joints.
Acupressure: Stiff, achy joints can be relieved with daily acupressure treatments.
Aromatherapy: When arthritis acts up, a blend of aromatic oils massaged into sore joints will help.
Ayurveda : To nourish tissue, loosen stiff joints and relieve pain, suggestion would be to rub warmed sesame oil (available in most health stores) onto affected areas once or twice a day, then taking a hot shower about 20 to 60 minutes afterward to heat the oil and drive it into the pores. Also, add hot or spicy herbs such as cayenne, cinnamon and dried ginger to foods.
Flower remedy : Are available in some health food stores and through mail order.
Food therapy : Many studies have down that a vegetarian diet is very beneficial in helping to lessen or even eliminate arthritis pain.
Homeopathy : Rhus toxicdendron will help relieve painful joints accompanied by stiffness in the neck and in the small of the back that is worse in cold weather and better on warm, dry days and after exercise. Taking 30C dose once a day or a 12C does twice daily. A similar of Bryonia will help if you have stiff and painful joints that are hot and swollen and feel worse with motion, add. 1 30C of Cimicifuga is a good remedy if you have uneasy, restless feeling and achy muscles that are worse with cold and in the morning.
Hydrotherapy : After you've seen a doctor for an initial diagnosis, hydrotherapy treatments are very helpful in managing chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Juice therapy : Black cherry juice is good for arthritis
Massage : If you have osteoarthritis, gentle massage can help ease the pain, Start by putting a little vegetable oil or massage oil on your fingertips, so they glide more easily over your skin. Then work slowly around the affected joint, making small, gentle circles with your fingertips. It's best to avoid massage directly on the joint, stay just above and below it with your fingertips. Work on the area around the joint for three to five minutes each day.
Gentle massage may also help reduce swelling in rheumatoid arthritis.
Reflexology : Although arthritis affects specific joints, you may get relief by working reflexology points for a number of organs.
Relaxation and meditation: Practising stretch based relaxation for 20 minutes twice a day can help manage pain
Vitamin and mineral therapy: People with osteoarthritis may want to use the following supplements, glucosamine sulphate, selenium, Vitamin C. For rheumatoid may want to use the following zinc picolinate, selenium, bromelain, borage oil and bromelain capsules.
Yoga : If arthritis affects your hands and finders, Yoga exercises done once a day can help loosen things.
Interested in natural herbal remedies and cures, visit here.
by Kamlesh Makwana